Royal Life Saving Society Bronze Cross In Date Order

1948 W.M.Murdock. R.L.S.S.Bronze Cross. July. 40mm. Wt.14.5g. 1st.Type.

The Bronze Cross, instituted in 1945, is designed to ensure that the recipient is prepared for the unusual and difficult life saving situation. The award deals with skills, and concepts related to extraordinary, rather than ordinary rescue conditions. At the same time that the Bronze Cross was instituted a bar system was brought into force whereby holders of the cross could maintain their proficiency by means of

subsequent re-examination.

1948 J.C.Watts R.L.S.S. Bronze Cross. July. 40mm. 14.7g. 1st. Type.

1949 D.Hewlett R.L.S.S.Bronze Cross. March. 40mm. 6 Bars 1947,48,4950,51,10th.Bar.

1951 A.W. Revell. R.L.S.S.Bronze Cross. July. 40mm. Wt.12.2g. 3rd Type.

1952 P.R.Dubock. April.R.S.S.S.Bronze Cross. 40mm.Wt,11.6g. 5th Type.

1953 A.Periton R.L.S.S.Bronze Cross July. 40mm. Wt.12.7g. 4th Type.

R.L.S.S. Bronze Cross Unamed. 40mm. Wt.11.6g.

1956 Bronze Cross to A.C. Baker

1970 j.Rhodes R.L.S.S.Bronze Cross 

1985 R.C.Miller R.L.S.S.Bronze Cross 25mm. 3 Bars.No.7347 B. 6TH Type.